EMR Training

EMR offers several types of training to suit your office's needs. We offer convenient one-on-one training, as well as training classes at your office or ours. Unlike many competitors, our training is affordably priced up front, and provided at a flat initial fee that's included with your package. Your training will be customized to fit the needs of your practice, and completely covers both our TouchWorks Practice Management and Electronic Medical Resources products, depending on the products you choose.

You never need to worry again about getting proper training and customer service, because with EMR, you will get as much training as you need whether it's prior to go-live, on-site training at go-live, or ongoing remote-based or in-office training. We even provide a Customer Service Help Desk for ongoing support, before and after implementation, and for as long as you remain a customer. All of the above training and customer services are included in our packages. Advanced training and technical support is also available.

Please contact us to find out more information regarding our training and packages, or to schedule your free consultation.

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