Our Stimulus Guarantee

With so many different EMR software options available, no doubt you're wondering: "How do I choose the EHR that's best for me?"

If so, you've come to the right place.

EMR's solution is designed with you in mind, so it's easy to capture, manage and use health information to make informed decisions in real time - lowering costs and improving the quality of patient care.

Allscripts, our software partner, has made it safe and easy for you to adopt and use EMR's Enterprise solution through their guarantee and rapid implementation programs, ensuring that you can take advantage of the ARRA incentives.  In addition, EMR's advanced management reporting capabilities provide you with the tools you need to proactively manage your patient panels, qualify for Pay-For-Quality programs and participate in new treatment approaches like the Medical Home.

There's never been a better time to get started, and you can rest assured that EMR and Allscripts will be stimulus-ready, no matter what.

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