Join Us at the HCMS Spring Business Expo

On March 27, 2012, in EMR News, by EMR Staff

Planning on attending the Harris County Medical Society Spring Business Expo? If so, stop by Booth N (near the Seminar Registration tables) on Saturday, April 14th and meet the EMR Team. We'd love to show you a demo of our state-of-the-art Allscripts Enterprise EHR software.

The HCMS Expo is always a great show with exhibitors showing off all kinds of products and services to physicians practicing in the Houston metropolitan area.  Check out the invitation and Schedule of Events here:

Spring 2012 HCMS Business Expo Schedule

Of particular interest to our EMR clients is the Ethics CME entitled "Federal EHR Incentives and Meaningful Use" scheduled for 9:00 a.m.  Be sure to stop by Booth N after the seminar. We're looking forward to meeting you!

Tagged with: demo • emr • trade show
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